Achieving SDG 3: Ensuring Healthy Lives and Well-being for All

Achieving SDG 3: Ensuring Healthy Lives and Well-being for All

SDG 3 is one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations in 2015. It aims to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. It acknowledges that good health and well-being are fundamental to human development. This includes reducing maternal and child mortality, ending preventable diseases, and promoting mental and physical health.

In society, certain groups of people are more vulnerable to poor health outcomes than others. These include:

Low-income and marginalized communities: These communities often lack access to quality healthcare, sanitation, and clean water. They are also more likely to be exposed to environmental hazards.

Women and girls: Women and girls face a number of health challenges, including gender-based violence, maternal mortality, and limited access to sexual and reproductive health services.

Children: Children are particularly vulnerable to malnutrition, infectious diseases, and injuries.

People with disabilities: People with disabilities often face barriers to accessing healthcare and other essential services.

Older adults: Older adults are more likely to experience chronic diseases and other health problems.

Addressing the challenges of SDG 3 is a multi-faceted approach; here we will look at the Role of community-based organizations (CBOs) in helping vulnerable groups to achieve SDG 3. CBOs are often well-positioned to reach marginalized communities to provide them with tailored health services and support.

They can do this by:

Provide mobile health clinics: CBOs can provide mobile health clinics to reach people in remote and underserved areas.

Nutrition Programs: CBOs can initiate nutrition programs, especially for pregnant women and children, to combat malnutrition. This may involve providing nutritious meals, supplements, and education on balanced diets.

Mental Health Support: Mental health remains a neglected area in many regions. CBOs can organize support groups, counseling services, and awareness campaigns to reduce stigma and improve mental well-being.

Provide support for people with chronic diseases: CBOs can provide support groups and other services for people with chronic diseases, such as HIV/AIDS, diabetes, and cancer.

Advocate for policy change: CBOs can advocate for policies that promote health equity, such as universal health coverage and affordable access to medicines and vaccines. The United Nations and other stakeholders have set a vision for 2030 where SDG 3 is realized. In this future, no one is left behind in the pursuit of good health and well-being. It envisions universal health coverage where everyone has access to quality, affordable healthcare services, without suffering financial hardship. An end to preventable diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis, and HIV/AIDS and lastly, overall mental and physical well being for all. However, achieving this vision will require combined action from governments, businesses, civil society organizations and other stakeholders.

Article written by: Daisy Atino

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