Climate emergency day

Climate emergency crises have become so common around the globe according to the various scientific studies conducted by various researchers. On climate emergency day, all continents use the climate clock as a reference to come up with ways to mitigate these extreme climate disasters. The climate clock is a significant tool to ensure that different bodies and diverse groups are kept in check to act within the expected timeframes to invent the desired strategies that would help deliver vital climate solutions. The clock counts down the critical time (time remaining to prevent global warming from rising above the 1.5°C window) to reach zero emissions termed as our deadline while at the same time tracking our progress on key solution pathways termed as our lifelines.
This climate clock which is crucially observed on the climate emergency day serves as a world mark of urgency in science and technology that is being used as a foundation of mobilization and alerting people around the world to the climate emergency crisis. This year, on the 22nd of July, the day was observed as the climate clock ticked down to 5 years with the slogan #ActInTime. The climate clock helps in the enactment of effective solutions in regard to the global commitments in the Paris Pact whose key objective is to maintain global warming that is already being experienced below 1.5^0 C so as to be able to preserve life on earth, according to Joseph Ibrahim who is the climate clock West African Coordinator. To commemorate this year’s Climate Emergency Day, he urged everyone to take key notes on time as a resource in watching climate emergencies which when lost, cannot be recovered.

The scientific study on the climate clock shows that the world has less than 6 years to maintain under 1.5^0 C warming. Ibrahim emphasized that if this 6-year-old period deadline is not considered, the world risks facing more devastating climate emergency crises. The Ocean Youths Innovators are currently collaborating with all groups, organizations, and individuals who are passionate about taking part in activities and awareness movements to see that climate emergency is no longer a threat to life on Earth. We are currently running tree planting projects countrywide to help avert the human activities that largely contribute to these climate disasters such as deforestation and environmental pollution. Together we can save the world!

Article by: Annet Kavaya

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