Climate Change

Climate change has become a global challenge that needs to be addressed with urgency since it is a threat to life here on Earth. It turns out that as human beings, we are the ones contributing a major part to climate change which consequently poses a danger to nature and life on both the land and in the water bodies. This is seen in the daily activities that we are engaging in and they include but are not limited to deforestation, charcoal burning, cultivation along water bodies, and excessive use of farm fertilizers. Agricultural fertilizers end up in water bodies when swept from the land by rain, manufacturing and industrial plants discharge sewage into water bodies, there is also poisonous gas emission into the air by factories, which can also be a result of the constant burning of fossil fuels. The excess heat that is generated by these emissions causes air pollution and a rise in the temperature of water bodies. Another negative impact is water body acidification when these emissions end up in the water in the form of rain besides the water pollution that is witnessed. All these factors eventually lead to a large and undesirable shift in climate.

Climate change alters wind patterns and water circulation in the water body environment which further influences the vertical movement of waters thus decreasing the availability of essential nutrients and oxygen to marine plants and animals. Oxygen becomes depleted with time and less carbon dioxide and other harmful gases are absorbed from the environment. The habitats for biological diversity are also destructed, which has a detrimental effect on marine life. We all need to participate in the movement towards ensuring that we experience less drastic climate changes here on earth because in so doing, we will afterward benefit from preserving the ecosystem.

At ocean youth innovators, we are focused on ecosystem sustainability by actively engaging in ways that would help to fight the climate change crisis. We have come up with projects such as tree planting, and environmental cleanup with a major focus on the water bodies where we aim to preserve the aquatic life. We are engaging the youth in the community to aggressively participate in these activities and we are also open to other collaborations with individuals and organizations with whom we can work hand in hand to ensure that there are fewer human activities that hugely lead to climate change. To achieve this, we also mobilize attendance to environmental awareness events from where we can gather as much knowledge as possible to help us come up with many more strategies for combating the climate change menace.

We sincerely extend our gratitude and appreciation to Caleb Burudi of De La Calexo Africa, who contributed to our goal of fighting climate change by donating Croton trees and seedlings. The Croton tree is a valuable resource to fight against climate change. As it grows, it sequesters carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, therefore helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat global warming. This makes it an effective tool for mitigating climate change and promoting sustainability. The tree is used as a fuelwood, providing a sustainable source of energy for local communities, reducing their reliance on fossil fuels, and promoting renewable energy sources. We are grateful for Caleb’s contribution and committed to continuing our work in climate action advocacy.

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